Omstrede taalbeleid net nog manier om stelsel af te dwing

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Vir Suid-Afrikaners wat nog bewyse nodig het van die ANC se poging om Suid-Afrika in die rigting van sosialisme en kommunisme te stuur, is jongste omstredenheid rakende die taalbeleid vir tersiêre instellings ’n goeie voorbeeld.

Netwerk24 berig Dr. Blade Nzimande (minister van hoër onderrig, wetenskap en tegnologie)  se omstrede taalbeleidraamwerk vir tersiêre instellings wat Afrikaans, Khoi, San en Nama uitsluit as inheemse tale, tree op 1 Januarie 2022 in werking. 
Inheemse tale word – in die beleidsraamwerk gepubliseer in die Staatskoerant van 30 Oktober 2020 – as volg gedefinieer: “Tale wat hul erfeniswortels in Afrika het (ook na Afrikatale in literatuur en sommige beleidsdokumente verwys) en wat tot die Suidelike Bantoe-taalfamilie behoort, waar 'Bantoe' suiwer as ’n linguistiese term gebruik word. ’n Inheemse taal is ’n taal wat inheems aan ’n streek of land is en deur inheemse mense gepraat word.”
Daar was pogings deur verskeie politieke partye en drukgroepe om dié optrede te verhoed en bogenoemde vier tale in te sluit.
Daar is tans groot ontevredenheid, want Nzimande en President Cyril Ramaphosa het nog onlangs aangedui dat gesprekke oor die beleid nog aan die gang is. 
Vir Mnr. Bennie van Zyl, TLU SA Hoofbestuurder, is dié optrede van Nzimande maar net nog ’n bewys van die pad waarop die ANC-regering die land het en deel daarvan is ’n poging om onderwys en opvoeding op sy terme te doen.
“Dit is duidelik deel van die ANC se gesentraliseerde beheptheid met magsintrek na homself  om so by sy Nasionaal Demokratiese Revolusie (NDR) uit te kom. Dié taalbeleid is net nog ’n manier waarop die ANC dit wil deurvoer,” sê mnr. Van Zyl.
“Die ANC se uiteindelike doel is gesentraliseerde beheer in ’n sosialisme en kommunisme stelsel. Met gebeure soos dié is dit duidelik dat die ANC sterk hardloop na sy NDR. Die taalbeleid is nou op die voorgrond, maar daar is ook nog die PPECB se afdwing van SEB en die steeds dreigende gevaar van OSV om net ’n paar te noem.”

Vir TLU SA is dit baie belangrik dat Suid-Afrikaners moet besef wat gaan van ons land word, as ons by die gesentraliseerde beheer – sosialisme en kommunisme – uitkom.
“Die ANC gee voor dat dié beleid hom daartoe in staat sal stel om aan sy beloftes vir sy kiesers te voldoen. Onthou, die volgende nasionale verkiesing is in 2024. Polities gesproke om die draai en ons land se inwoners smag na die verwesenliking van beloftes. Beloftes van ontvang... Om net te ontvang beteken egter niks as jy nie daarmee werk in markverwante beginsels nie. Dit is hier en nou waar alle Suid-Afrikaners hul moet verwittig van die feite. Op ekonomiese en kulturele gebied – op elke terrein – is die ANC besig om ’n glybaan na sosialisme en kommunisme te skep. Voorbeelde wêreldwyd wys dat dié sisteem nie een is wat tot almal se welvaart lei nie. Nie soos voorgehou deur die voorstanders hiervan nie.
“Hoekom gee die regering nie titelakte op HOP-huise nie en hoekom is daar so astronomiese groot hoeveelheid mense wat sosiale toelae ontvang? Dit is vir ANC-regering maniere om mense gevange te hou! Dit is weens die ANC-beleid dat die land in die ekonomiese posisie is en daar so groot afhanklikheid is van sosiale toelae. Dit kan nie nou net gestop word nie, want daar is ’n hoë syfer van werkloosheid. Vir die ekonomie om te groei en om werkloosheid daadwerklik aan te spreek, is ’n markgerigte ekonomie nodig en dit is iets wat die ANC duidelik nie verstaan nie.”
TLU SA doen ’n beroep op alle Suid-Afrikaners om wakker te wees, om jou geskiedenis te ken, om te leer oor ekonomiese-stelsels. “Moenie net alles wat aan jou gevoer word ‘eet’ nie. Moenie so onbewus van die gevaar vir jou land wees, dat wanneer jy dit uiteindelik besef dit te laat is nie.”

Controversial language policy just another way to enforce system 

For South Africans who still need proof of the ANC's attempt to steer South Africa in the direction of socialism and communism, the latest controversy regarding the language policy for tertiary institutions is a good example.
Netwerk24 reports Dr Blade Nzimande (Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology) controversial language policy framework for tertiary institutions that exclude Afrikaans, Khoi, San, and Nama as indigenous languages, will come into effect on 1 January 2022.

Indigenous languages ​​are - in the policy framework published in the Government Gazette of 30 October 2020 - defined as follows: “Languages that have their heritage roots in Africa (also referred to as African languages in literature and some policy documents) and that belong to the Southern Bantu language family, where 'Bantu' is used purely as a linguistic term. An indigenous language is a language that is native to a region or country and spoken by indigenous people.”

There have been attempts by various political parties and pressure groups to prevent this action and to include the above four languages.
There is currently great dissatisfaction, as both Nzimande and President Cyril Ramaphosa have recently indicated that discussions on the policy are still ongoing.
Mr Bennie van Zyl, TLU SA General Manager, says that the actions of Nzimande are just more proof of the path the ANC government has taken for South Africa and part of that is an attempt for education to take place on its terms.
“This is clearly part of the ANC's centralised preoccupation with drawing power towards itself to reach its National Democratic Revolution (NDR). This language policy is just another way in which the ANC wants to implement it,” said Mr Van Zyl.
“The ANC's ultimate goal is centralised control in a socialist and communist system. With events like these, the ANC is running strongly towards its NDR. The language policy is now in the forefront, but there are also the PPECB's enforcement of BEE and the still imminent danger of EWC to name just a few.”
For TLU SA, it is very important that South Africans realise what will become of our country, if we get to a centralised government of socialism and communism.
“The ANC pretends that this policy will enable it to live up to its promises to its voters. Remember, the next national election is in 2024. Politically speaking, around the corner and our country's people are longing for the fulfilment of promises. Promises of receiving ... However, just receiving does not mean anything if you do not work with it in market-related principles. It is here and now where all South Africans must inform themselves of the facts. In the economic and cultural spheres - in every field - the ANC is sliding towards socialism and communism. Examples worldwide show that this system is not one that leads to everyone's prosperity. Not as advocated by the proponents of it.
“Why does the government not give title deeds to RDP houses and why is there such an astronomically large number of people receiving social grants? These are ways for the ANC government to keep people imprisoned! It is because of the ANC policy that the country is in this economic position and there is such a great dependence on social grants. It cannot just be stopped now because there is a high rate of unemployment. For the economy to grow and to actively address unemployment, a market-oriented economy is needed, and this is something that the ANC clearly does not understand.”

TLU SA calls on all South Africans to stay alert, to know your history, to learn about economic systems. "Do not just 'eat' everything that is fed to you. Do not be so unaware of the danger to your country that when you finally realise, it is too late.”


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