AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 18th February 2024

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 18th February 2024

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News Comments  - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational.  News platform of the commercial farmers of South Africa who produce food for the nation

Te midde van die uitdagings wat die wêreldwye pandemie meegebring het, het wyntoerisme bewys dis ’n veerkragtige lewenslyn vir die bedryf. Dit beklemtoon die ekonomiese betekenis en aanpasbaarheid van wyntoerisme,” sê Rico Basson, South Africa Wine se uitvoerende hoof. “Die groei van 14,7% in 2019 van die algehele kelderomset wat aan wyntoerisme toegeskryf word, tot 17,3% in 2022, beklemtoon wyntoerisme se deurslaggewende rol as inkomstebron. Wyntoerisme het in 2022 R9,3 miljard tot die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie bygedra. Dit oortref die bydrae voor Covid-19 en is aansienlik beter as die 2019-bydrae van R7,2 miljard. “Die diepgaande impak op die bedryf se ±400 mikro- en klein wynkelders (van 523 wynkelders altesaam) is veral opmerklik, met ’n aansienlike 36,3% van die algehele omset wat gewortel is in wyntoerisme se polsende ervarings.

As an export-orientated agricultural sector, SA must always pay attention to global developments and risks that could undercut its competitiveness in the world market. Several environmental, social and political risks undoubtedly remain top of mind for farmers and agribusiness leaders. SA’s agriculture has more than doubled since 1994 in value and volume when assessed through the data from the Abstract of Agricultural Statistics published annually by the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development.  At the centre of this agricultural progress are the following catalysts: expansion of export markets, thus creating a demand pull for products; the early adoption of high-yielding seed varieties in crops; improvement of genetics in animals; and the use of agrochemicals to nurture the sector.

After weeks of consistent rainfall in certain parts of the country, farmers have been experiencing an abundant supply of water. Experts, however, warn that they should be prepared for less rainfall and drier weather conditions in the upcoming months. University of Cape Town (UCT) climate scientist Dr Peter Johnston explained that for the next three months, the country is not expecting above-normal rainfall. Weather conditions are more likely to be drier than wetter in the summer rainfall region of the country due to El Niño. All forecasts are suggesting hotter than normal, but rainfall predictions are still very uncertain and vary between above normal in some areas to below in most. The planet is becoming warmer and the country’s rainfall patterns are changing, it is not that there is less rainfall, but more intense rainfall over shorter periods. As the climate is warming up, we are going to lose more to evaporation. But with the increasing temperature of water bodies, we are also going to start becoming more eutrophic where we get blue or green algae and water lettuce growing on the water.

In South Africa, we’re seeing farmers marrying technological innovation and sustainable practices, all to strategically prepare for the future, commitment to environmental responsibility aligns with these principles, further supporting the nation's farmers in their journey towards sustainable agriculture. Farmers operate in a time-sensitive environment and must respond quickly to shifting weather, crop and market conditions. Furthermore, fields and equipment are often kilometres apart, which means conducting accurate on-site assessments requires extensive travel time. With digital technology, farmers can readily assess how their equipment is performing. Advanced cloud and mobility capabilities mean farmers can not only view the status of critical equipment such as irrigation pivots, but they can control it on mobile devices. Pivots for example can be turned on or off remotely, water delivery adjusted, or pumps started or stopped.

Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal 

The USA urea market continued to head upwards but trading volumes were limited. Cold weather put pressure on gas availability and there was talk of some domestic urea plants being idled due to gas shortages. This is likely to be a very short-lived issue but it was enough to encourage American traders to bid prices up a few Dollars. READ MORE 

 Our view is that governments and societies should start planning immediately to ward off the worst-case scenario. They have to actively start adding some resilience into the system. In 2085, it is likely that the national parks will still exist. But the parks will need to start now to be sure that they’ve built in many new water sources so that the rhinos can cool off at much more frequent intervals. READ MORE 

A very recent study followed 480 children until they were 18 years old. They found that the children who had higher levels of glyphosate in their urine at age 5 had increased evidence of obesity, high blood pressure, and precursors of cardiovascular disease and liver inflammation by as early as age eighteen. They calculated that the main exposure to glyphosate was through their diets. READ MORE 

About one third (over 17 million) of South Africa’s population lives on communal land, which makes up around 13% of all land in the country. The Communal Land Tenure Bill, 2017 defines communal land as “owned, occupied or used by members of a community subject to shared rules or norms and customs”. It can also be owned by the state. READ MORE 

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 FINALLY - We ready

Awards function for Competition for Women in Agriculture – Friday March 1, 2024 at 11:00 – 15:00

Villa Arcadia, Hollard Head Office, Parktown..

We proud to announce our sponsors so far.

Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


Suid Afrika -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 14th February 2024

We proud to announce that our mediums is now part of 38 international Farming and Agriculture news mediums around the world.  We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world.  18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team.

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Dit word elke dag baie duideliker dat die regering en sy regstelsel nie meer die belange van elke Suid Afrikaner beskerm nie- Die regstelsel is in die hande van die ANC. Die regering en sy meelopers is daarop uit om almal wat hulle oponeer te verwoes. Dis uiters belangrik dat ons landbouers geduld aan die dag moet le in alle situasies en nie die prooi word van die arrogante uitlokking wat daagliks op hulle pad kom van sogenaamde barbare wat daarop uit is om rassisme en haat te bevorder nie.   Sien dit liewer as onopgevoed en arrogant en 'n lae selfesteem omdat van die mense nooit suksesvol sal wees om te bou nie- maar uiters gefursteer en kwaad is.  Moenie in die strik beland nie. 

In the ever-evolving world of wine, South African winemakers, propelled by the effects of global warming, are venturing into unexplored territories. Joseph nudges winemakers to explore Mediterranean varieties like Agiorgitiko, Xinomavro, Aglianico, and Assyrtiko. With roots tracing back over 3 000 years in challenging conditions, these grapes hold promise for South African vineyards.

Corruption has had a profound and far-reaching effect on South African society, impacting various aspects of life. Some key consequences include: 1. Economic Impact: Corruption diverts public funds away from essential services and infrastructure projects. This misallocation of resources hinders economic development and contributes to inequality.

Africa's economic growth fell to 3.2% last year from 4.1% in 2022, the African Development Bank (AfDB) said on Friday, but it projected higher growth this year for all regions except central Africa. The AfDB said political instability and China's economic slowdown were compounding the shocks of Covid-19 and Russia's war in Ukraine.

Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment Minister Barbara Creecy reports that the Climate Change Response Fund announced by Ramaphosa in his State of the Nation Address (SoNA) has been established to support the development of early-warning systems, as well as for adaptation projects to improve the climate resiliency of infrastructure amid the growing threats posed by extreme weather events.

Sub-Saharan African countries strongly rely on the agricultural and forestry sectors. Agriculture contributes up to 60% of some countries’ gross domestic product. However, the sector is highly vulnerable to climate change because it relies heavily on climatic factors. This vulnerability is particularly marked in the region because of its slow rate of technological advancement.

Agri Wes-Kaap verneem met teleurstelling dat die nasionale minimumloon met ingang 1 Maart met 8,5% tot R27,58 per uur sal styg.“Ons is teleurgesteld dat die Minimumloonkommissie nie georganiseerde landbou se aanbeveling om die minimumloon op ’n volhoubare manier te verhoog, in ag geneem het nie,” sê Jannie Strydom, uitvoerende hoof van Agri Wes-Kaap.

Die Suid-Afrikaanse wyn- en brandewynbedryf is en bly ’n hoeksteen van die land se ekonomiese landskap met aansienlike bydraes tot die Bruto Binnelandse Produk (BBP), indiensneming, toerisme en algehele ekonomiese veerkragtigheid. Wyntoerisme het na vore getree as ’n belangrike komponent van die bedryf se langtermynlewens¬vatbaar¬heid

Amerikaanse ru-olievoorraad het verlede week gestyg terwyl petrol- en distillaatvoorraad gedaal het, namate raffinering tot sy laagste vlakke sedert Desember 2022 gedaal het. Volgens Moneyweb verhandel Brent-ruolie teen 82,40 Amerikaanse dollar.

Die president van die Afrika-ontwikkelingsbankgroep, Akinwumi Adesina, sê toenemende geopolitiese spanning in Afrika, wat handel en belegging kan skaad, kan ook voedsel- en kommoditeitspryse laat styg. Dit kan ook die broodnodige verbetering van monetêre omstandighede wêreldwyd vertraag.

Die minister van Omgewingsake, Barbara Creecy, en die minister van Water, Senzo Mchunu het samesprekings gevoer oor die grootmaatwaterverskaffer, Rand Water, se voorneme om die gifstof glifosaat te gebruik om indringerplante in die Vaalriver hok te slaan. Rand Water het vroeër die week ook kalanders en kewers in die Vaalrivier vrygelaat om die verspreiding van die hoogs indringende waterslaai te beperk.

This is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week.  The only news MEDIUM that will give you so much news at one address.

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Op die 20ste en 21ste Februarie kom Suid-Afrikaners van alle vlakke van die samelewing by NampoPark in Bothaville bymekaar om “Oplossings vir die Platteland” te bespreek.
Rolspelers van die landbousektor, van die regering, van maatskaplike welsynsorganisasies en gemeenskapsleiers, sal fokus op hoe ons die verval wat ons plattelandse en plaasdorpe verlam en hierdie gemeenskappe verder verarm, kan stuit. Die landbousektor is bewus van hul rol en wil ons platteland red.
Kyk hier na ‘n onlangse onderhoud tussen Theo Vorster en Chris Burgess oor die belangrikheid van hierdie landelike ekonomieë: