AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 18th April 2021

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Wolveilings is op 14 April hervat na ’n twee-week-lange blaaskans. Wolmark het met 3,4% gedaal om teen R155,63/kg te sluit. Altesaam 12 231 bale is aangebied nadat 1 153 bale voor die aanvang van die veiling onttrek is, met ’n algehele verkoopspersentasie van 93,15%. Die aanbod het hoofsaaklik uit 20 mikron- en fyner wolle bestaan, met ’n kleiner persentasie lang wol wat aangebied is.

Graan Suid-Afrika sê kunsmispryse wêreldwyd is tans op hul hoogste vlak in meer as 24 maande. ‘n Landbou-ekonoom van Graan SA, Ikageng Maluleke, sê lae voorraadvlakke weens die Covid-19 pandemie en ‘n styging in die prys van natuurlike brandstof het pryse laat styg.

Ontwrigtende tegnologie, veranderde verbruikspatrone en aspekte soos dreigende klimaat-krisisse sal nie net noodsaaklike transformasie afdwing nie, maar beslis ook die spoed waarteen veranderings moet plaasvind dikteer. Die wereld is groot, maar baie klein as dit by tegnolgie kom

Scientists have discovered a signal that causes roots to stop growing in hard soils which can be ‘switched off’ to allow them to punch through, a finding which may have 'huge implications' for agriculture. The discovery could help plants grow in even the most damaged soils, according to scientists from the University of Nottingham and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

While France’s spring crop area is expected to decline from 2020, soft wheat sowings are expected to rebound, Reuters reported, citing the farm ministry. The soft wheat area is estimated at 4.9 million hectares, an increase of 15% from 2020 and in line with the five-year average.

The beer-making process results in lots of leftover grain that is a protein and fiber-rich powder typically used in cattle feed or landfills. Now, Virginia Polytechnic and State University (Virginia Tech) scientists have found a way to make this leftover grain useful by extracting the protein and fiber held inside it and using it to create new types of protein sources, biofuels, and more.

Ons jong geslag Suid Afrikaners het baie ander voorkeure as dit kom by kos, klere en sosiale interaksie- Oral sien jy hoe daar klere reekse eksklusief op sosiale media bemark word en hoe dit lyk of patriotisme 'n groot rol speel in die onderwerp en aanbieding van die klere. Boere en hulle kakieklere met so ietwat van 'n rooi, oranje of groen iewers ingebring is baie gewild.

Namibiese Nasionale Boere Unie wat meestens kommunale boere regoor die land verteenwoordig, ondersteun pogings om die sogenaamde rooilyn te verwyder. Die heining is opgerig om die kommersiële gebied te beskerm teen bek- en klouseer wat endemies in die noorde voorkom. Terwyl die heining uitvoere van beesvleis beskerm, is mark toegang vir boere noord van die rooilyn beperk.

The CEO of the Institute of Race Relations (IRR), Dr Frans Cronje, says that he has reason to doubt parts of the version of events put out by the police surrounding the killing of two men and the injury of several others at a farm near Mkhondo (formerly Piet Retief). Four farmers were arrested for the killings and are being held in custody ahead of a bail hearing.

Namib Poultry Industries het aangekondig dat hy op 26 April die prys van al sy hoender produkte met 12 persent verhoog. Luidens ‘n verklaring sê die maatskappy dat hy in die afgelope 30 maande geen prysverhoging aangebring het nie en het die stygende kostes self absorbeer.

The global grains market is well supplied in the 2020/21 season, albeit commodities prices have risen substantially in the recent past. The primary driver of grain and oilseeds prices has primarily been the rising demand in China and unfavourable weather conditions at various stages of the production season in Europe and parts of South America, which caused minimal damage to the global harvest.

Suid Afrika -Die jongste oesskatting vir katoen dui op ’n oes wat 38% kleiner as verlede jaar s’n gaan wees, maar kenners glo daar is lig in die tonnel wat die bedryf in die nuwe seisoen weer ’n hupstoot sal gee. Die derde skatting vir die 2020-’21-seisoen dui op ’n plaaslike oes van 80 000 bale vesel teenoor die 134 000 bale wat die vorige seisoen geoes is.

According to the UN agency, the initiative will help “unlock the potential” of the agricultural sector to contribute to sustainable and inclusive growth across the continent, and promote the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement that began in January, establishing the world’s largest free trading area, in terms of countries participating.

The Mitsubishi Pajero Legend 100 has been revealed as a South African-specific special edition that will be limited to just 100 units. The release of this unique variant has been introduced as a farewell to this generation of Pajero and will be the last 100 available in the country.

TRANSNET loop die risiko om die hartklop van Suid-Afrika se ekonomie met ’n landwye staking van sy werknemers tot stilstand te ruk omdat die semi-staatsinstelling geen loonverhoging bied nie nadat meer as R210 biljoen weens staatskaping onregmatig verkwis is.

As ekonomiese opheffing die doelwit is, word iets meer as net grond vereis – selfs al is die kwessie, ná ’n kwarteeu van knoeiery, nou op ’n seepkis geplak waarop populiste van links en regs stoei vir spasie.

A new report on cannabis production and trade is forecasting an increase in medical cannabis production this year, but warns that the existing small markets could leave growers with unsold stocks. South Africa, Zimbabwe and Lesotho were leading the production of cannabis for medical research and industrial usage in Southern Africa.

Data from StatsSA shows that between 2002 and 2020, the life expectancy of males in South Africa increased from 59.9 years to 64.6 years, and for females from 67.2 to 71.3 years.

It is estimated that 160 000 bee hives are required to optimally pollinate 40 000 hectares of macadamias. Since there are not that many hives in the whole country, the need to protect what we have is crucial to ensure sustainable macadamia production.

A French ocean adventurer and a team of engineers designed a yacht that feeds on plastic waste for power — the sea vessel literally scoops up plastic garbage and converts it into fuel to help power the boat.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE at

AGRI NEWS NET- in jou hand- maklik om te lees en altyd op tyd-  7dae per week- 365 van die jaar-  No news medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address 7 days a week. 

Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering. Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.

Met 25 jaar praktiese boerdery ondervinding weet ons wat landbou en sy mense is.

Here is a FEW "good Tweets"  of the week compilied by our NEWS TEAM 

As jy nou regtig nie meer weet hoe om aandag te trek nie- dan doen jy dit.

Dis snaaks- dalk moet mens jammer voel vir die mense- iewers mis hulle iets. 

Koning LEEU

So jaag jy beeste oor 'n brug- 

Planting Corn 

As jy Hond kan "trampoline " spring en jy moet kyk.

As dit planttyd is- dan gaan jy groot- of jy gaan huistoe

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