AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News  28th  May 2023

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 28th May 2023

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The supply of animal vaccines is expected to be fully restored before the start of the vaccination season next month.Despite coming under harsh criticism in recent months over an apparent vaccine shortage, the state-run Onderstepoort Biological Products (OBP) facility said it was ready for vaccination season, which takes place between June and October. 

Volhoubare landbou en voedselsekerheid sonder om die omgewing te benadeel, is moontlik, maar dit kan nie bloot op boere afgedwing word nie. Klimaatvriendelike en herlewingslandbou is ’n haalbare droom wêreldwyd, maar dit kan nie oornag geskied nie en boere moet steeds winsgewend kan boer, anders sal hulle nie aanpassings aanvaar nie. Só het Leon Borcherds, ’n direkteur van die netwerkorganisasie Saai, die siening van die meeste boere op die jaarkongres van die Wêreldlandbou-organisasie (WFO) by Sun City in Noordwes opgesom. Die jaarvergadering oor vier dae, wat deur meer as 320 afgevaardigdes uit sowat 70 lande bygewoon is, is die eerste keer in Suid-Afrika gehou. Vanjaar se tema was: Beleggings in oplossings vir boere sodat daar veerkragtige voedselstelsels kan wees wat gunstige invloed op die natuur sal hê.

The South African government is monitoring the bird flu outbreak in Brazil but has thus far not imposed any restrictions on poultry imports from the country.Earlier this week, the Brazilian government declared a temporary state of animal health emergency after a several cases of bird flu were detected among wild birds. Brazil is the world's biggest chicken meat exporter, and accounts for more than half of SA's poultry imports.

The most important ingredient in chocolate is cocoa beans, which come from plants grown in the tropics. About 70% of the world’s cocoa comes from West Africa. The countries of Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) and Ghana are two of the biggest producers. READ MORE 

Our research offers a closer look at how butterflies interact with the landscapes they roam. This, in turn, allows us to delve into how conservation measures can be adopted to better protect butterfly communities against the effects of people changing natural habitats. READ MORE 

Each of these elements in the development of the lamb from conception to the final objective of either being sold or slaughtered, or its introduction as a production unit for breeding or wool, carries risks.  Since most often in both the life of business and the business of life, the devil is to be found in the detail, careful and thoughtful investigation and analysis is required. READ MORE 

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Dis lankal tyd om aan die werk te spring-  Ons landbouers is nie praters nie- ons is doeners.

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke. Saam met dit is ons gewilde Agri News Rauch

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  AGRI NEWS RUSH - a Video Production of AGRI X en CRA Group- South Africa

Ons span het ver gery die afgelope 2 weke- ons land se landbouers is besig maar baie diep bekommerd oor die hoe rentekoer- die swak rand , die krag voorsiening en die verdere verval van die regering en sy meelopers. Diesel verbruik is hoer as normaal en ons boere moet allerhande planne maak om te oorleef. Saam met dit neem ons landbouers kennis van die landboumaatskappye wat al meer betrokke wil raak in boerdeye en veral familieboerdery. Dit lyk al hoe meer of die korporatiewe maatskappye en veral banke al hoe meer eise stel om finansiering te kry. Data wat die eiendom van boere is moet dalk meer gedeel word met finansierings maatskappye sodat hulle meer beheer kan he oor die bestuur van die boerdery.

Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.

Luister gerus na die Insetsel - Landbouradio.

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AJ Mthembu, waarnemende president van die African Farmers’ Association (Afasa), het daarop gewys dat die landbougemeenskap in Suid-Afrika nie gesubsideer word nie. Hoewel daar landbouprodukte van hoë gehalte uitgevoer kan word, is daar baie handelsversperrings. Daar is gereeld veranderinge aan regulasies en standaarde vir uitvoer, en om daarby te kan aanpas, is hulpbronne en bystand vir boere nodig.

As potential crises in animal health and food safety and security loom from a shortage of veterinarians in the country, the South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) is concerned that this situation has been exacerbated by the removal of veterinarians from South Africa’s critical skills list in 2022.

The global pineapple market is experiencing various dynamics across different regions. In the Netherlands, natural flowering in Costa Rica has resulted in larger volumes of pineapples being shipped to Europe, ensuring a plentiful supply until the end of June.

Daar is tot 50 aardbewings elke dag – ons voel dit net nie altyd nie. Dit maak ons almal bang om ’n groot een te beleef, omdat jy soos met enige natuurramp totaal uitgelewer is. As dit voorheen gebeur het, kan dit weer gebeur, sê kenners, want Kaapstad het in 1809 en 1811 twee gróót aardbewings gehad. Die verskil is, vandag is die area bebou en hier is honderde duisende mense.

The latest update on consumer price inflation (CPI) from Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) showed that headline inflation decelerated from 7.1% year-on-year (y/y) in March to 6.8% y/y in April 2023 ,Consumer food inflation softened to 14.3% y/y in April from 14.4% in March as a slowdown in the meat, oils and fats, and fruit categories more than offset the marginal increases in other product categories.

Dr. Theo de Jager, vorige president van die WFO, het gesê hoewel data en digitale platforms die nuwe goud in landbou is, dit net so belangrik is om die armste en kleinste boere te help om hul opbrengste te verhoog, al is dit met eenvoudige handtoerusting. “Die innovasie om hierdie boere met eenvoudige meganisasie te help om opbrengste van 0,7 ton/ha tot 3 ton/ha te verhoog, is net so belangrik as die digitale tegnologie.

South Africa’s annual consumer inflation rate slowed to 6,8% in April 2023 from 7,1% in March. Although a small change, it does represent the lowest reading since May 2022, when the rate was 6,5%.

Natuurbewaarders in die noorde van Kameroen het bevestig ‘n man en ‘n kind is dood toe ‘n trop van 30 olifante amok in nedersettings gesaai het. ‘n Bosbou- en natuurbewaardereJean Nyemeg, sê die verlies aan habitat weens plantasies en droogtes veroorsaak dat die diere soms na menslike nedersettings dwaal.'

The renewal of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which allows exports from Ukraine by ship, added to the bearish tone in wheat markets in recent weeks. The deal, due to expire May 18, was extended for two months, in an agreement announced the previous day.''

The South African Reserve Bank’s (SARB) Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) voted to increase interest rates by 50 basis points at its meeting today, which brings the repo rate to 8.25%. This increase marks the 10th consecutive interest rate increase in the current hiking cycle, which started in November 2021. With today’s increase, the SARB has implemented a cumulative 475 basis points of hikes.

In the ever-continuing search to find alternatives to antibiotics in swine nutrition, functional oligosaccharides can play a role. As they cannot be degraded easily, they end up in the hindgut where they are decomposed by bacteria and converted into short-chain fatty acids – and that is welcomed by the cell walls. What kinds of oligosaccharides exist and why are they useful?

The REST of the news you can read on - - 350 stories were posted this past week.

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