The Importance of Agriculture

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For decades, agriculture has been associated with the production of essential food crops. At present, agriculture above and beyond farming includes forestry, dairy, fruit cultivation, poultry, bee keeping, mushroom, arbitrary, etc. Today, processing, marketing, and distribution of crops and livestock products etc. are all acknowledged as part of current agriculture.Thus, agriculture could be referred to as the production, processing, promotion and distribution agricultural products.

Who are you buying your agrochemicals from?

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Crop protection is such a crucial part of a successful harvest and many years are spent on research and development by agrochemical manufacturers to provide a producer with products that comply with exceptional standards. But have you ever stopped to think about the person who is selling and recommending these products to you?

South Africa’s neighbours must weigh in on land expropriation

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The outcomes of the national election place one key question in the minds of all farmers — what are their likely effect on the expropriation without compensation debate? Having recently visited Luxembourg, where Agri SA represented the interests of the SA agriculture value chain at the World Farmers’ Organisation, I can safely say the rest of the world would also like some clarity, but for broader reasons.

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