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“The proposed radical policy shift of the government, according to press reports that appeared yesterday, to involve the private sector in the losses of its state-owned enterprises and land expropriation without compensation by ‘donating land’ poses a serious threat to the economy and the country, especially if the government reportedly wants to threaten the private sector with its ‘political muscle’ to cooperate," says Fanie Brink, an independent agricultural economist.

He says the ANC government managed to destroy economic growth after 1994 which created growing budget deficits and government debt that caused serious fiscal and social problems. The government has already forced the economy to its knees with its "political muscle."

The government has clearly proven over almost three decades that it is incapable of running state-owned enterprises profitably due to its economic illiteracy, incompetence and unstoppable corruption! Its socialist ideology will never be able to create any economic growth or generate more revenue for the government to address the serious fiscal and social problems, as has been very clearly demonstrated!

It would, therefore, be totally wrong for the private sector to cooperate with the government under these conditions because it will undoubtedly destroy the private sector as well.

The primary responsibility of the government is to deregulate the economy and to develop a political and economic environment that will be conducive to the private sector to generate profits and create economic growth. The government will have to realise and accept that the producers, manufacturers and providers of personal services on the supply side and the consumers on the demand side of the economy are the most important role players that can create economic growth, progress and development.

The private sector should not be involved in any public/private partnerships with the ANC government. The threat of the government’s reportedly so-called "political muscle" to force agreed projects on the private sector must be totally rejected.

Now that all the state's enterprises have been bankrupted and destroyed the ANC wants the private sector to come on board. This is very clearly nothing else than the signs of a totally corrupt, bankrupt, economically illiterate and incompetent ruling party that has failed and reached the end of the road!

"The totally devastating fiscal and social problems in the country today are much worse than during any other period in the history of the country and are precisely the result of a failed government's total corruption, bankruptcy and maladministration," says Brink.

 Fanie Brink, Independent Agricultural Economist

ANC proposes radical policy shift to work with private sector


ANC's new approach to land reform includes incentives for farmers who donate land
